There's a lot of advice about how professional artists should present themselves online if they want to be taken seriously. I should probably be paying more attention to that.
Or I could make a site that I actually enjoy.
Is this more work? Not really. Do I feel better about myself now? Yep.
9 July, 2024: NEWEST STUFF:
- I went back to a home-coded site. I had snuck back to WordPress for a little while there, but it wasn't any fun, and the potential security issues gave me panic attacks from Day 1. So here's the new/old version of my portfolio site! Hope it doesn't look too bad on your tiny phone screen.
- New work up in just about every category!
- I considered putting a "WRITING" section in the portfolio, but I've got other sites that cover that (and more). I've written a novel! Yes! A whole entire novel, with a beginning, a middle, AND AN END. Glorious! It's in draft 3 of editing, and I hope to have it ready to show off by the end of this year...then I can get to work on the sequel, which is already in Draft 1.
- I've started a page for my 3d work, and another one for my crafts and sculpture (which is pretty much everything that doesn't fit in the other sections). Still working on getting those pages together, but that's next.
- There's a whole pile of new work that I haven't even photographed yet, so that's gonna be up soon, too.
- If this site DOES look bad on tiny phone screens, I'm sure that'll bother me enough eventually to do something about it. Today is not that day.
- And you see all these links on the side and the bottom? Yeah! ALL the rest of my current projects! Some of 'em work. Some of 'em don't. Some of 'em just go to placeholder pages. Do you see why I'm always busy?